Backpacking in the Sierra

Throughout these pages, you’ll find detailed trip reports, photos, tips and tricks that we’ve found during these trips! We hope to provide high quality resources that you can use on your next adventure!


Ansel adams wilderness via Agnew meadows

Alan, Vanessa, and Jason visit several alpine lakes throughout Ansel Adams Wilderness.

Total Distance: 32 Miles
Difficulty: Moderate / Hard

Ansel Adams

Ansel adams wilderness via rush creek

Alan, Raymond, and Steven visit Lake Catherine, an alpine lake behind Banner Peak. Read through our first big venture together

Total Distance: 40 Miles
Difficulty: Hard


Yosemite backcountry via snow creek trail

Alan, Raymond, Vincent, Sam, and Tom visit Yosemite by venturing through Snow Creek Trail and toward the northern rim of the Yosemite Valley. We head to North Dome and witness an amazing view on the crest of the Yosemite Valley

Total Distance: 35 Miles
Difficulty: Moderate